Kitchen Sage and Revive & Thrive Team Up

Earlier this year Steepletown’s Kitchen Sage Program was approached by the Executive Director of Revive & Thrive to discuss a possible partnership.  Discussions started in February and with the COVID-19 pandemic, the work to establish a partnership moved along rather quickly. The end result is that Revive & Thrive was able to resume home-delivered meals for medically fragile individuals on April 1st after a three month hiatus due to the loss of their previous kitchen.  Steepletown is grateful to partner with this emerging nonprofit which serves a unique purpose in our community.

Revive & Thrive began its GR-based efforts in 2015 and is modeled after the award winning Ceres Community Project in California. The Healing Meals Program is its primary service which provides home-delivered, nutrient-rich meals to those with life-threatening illnesses (such as cancer) during treatment and recovery.  This program targets those who are mostly low-income but is open to anyone in the community for whom preparing food while in treatment and recovery can be extremely difficult because of the exhaustion of treatment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this now includes those who are medically fragile and are required to shelter in place to protect their health and who lack family support to provide groceries and/or prepare meals.

Kitchen Sage has allowed Revive & Thrive to temporarily work under its license as a collaborating partner.  For the past two Wednesdays, Chef Mike Farrell with Revive & Thrive has been assisted by Chef Karen in sourcing food donations, purchasing other items on the grocery list, and offering use of Kitchen Sage’s equipment and other pantry resources.  This has allowed Revive & Thrive to prepare, package and deliver meals to 14 persons just yesterday, with a list that is growing quickly. Each weekly delivery consists of 3 entrees that are a double portion for a total of six meals, and a dessert.  For more information on Revive and Thrive, go to its website at:

Picture of Dick Bulkowski

Dick Bulkowski

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